Wow! How time flies. It seems like jus a few days ago we started our Italy trip in Rome, now here we are in Venice, with only one more day left for our group travel. What adventures we have had, though.
I last posted from Florence, and as usual, since Florence is my favorite Italian city, I enjoyed that week the most..going to the museums, to the mercato, walking through Florence, sharing meals in the apartment… all are lovely memories.
When we got to Venice Sunday afternoon, we were met by the apartment owner, who walked us to our apartment. About the time we got settled in, down came the rain. It had been raining off and on all morning, but now it came down in buckets. I had been so excited to get this apartment with the terrace on the top floor, but with the rain, we still haven’t been able to sit out there and enjoy being outdoors, looking over the roof tops.
Yesterday we went to San Marco church. I told the group that we would get there early, before all the crowds, so we wouldn’t have to wait in line so long. We did…we were the first ones in line. I couldn’t believe it! Of course, some girl came up there, and got in front of us, so we then were second in line. We had a leisurely walk through the church, with time to enjoy the beauty.
After visiting the church, some of us went up into the bell tower. We had a 360 degree view of Venice.
Later, I took a walk through the city. It is like walking through a maze. I had my map handy, and made it back to the apartment without getting TOO lost. We were going to go out to dinner at a restaurant I had found, but here came the rain again. So we went out to a place closer to us, and had a light dinner.
Today, the sun was out, so we got on the vaporetto and went to the islands of Burano and Murano. Burano is known for its lace making, but I love it for its colorful houses. To me, coming into the island from the sea, the village looks like someone went wild with tempura paints.
I like this little area. I looked up at the sky, and oh, boy! We knew we were going to get some rain again.
I gathered my “ducklings” and we quickly headed for the vaporetto stop. Luck was with us. A boat was just loading to go back to Venice, and we made it onto the boat, not a minute too soon, it started raining, raining hard. We had about an hour trip back, and the rain was so heavy, sometimes it was hard to see boats near us. We all had taken umbrellas, so we were OK on the short walk back to the apartment. Within the hour, the sun was out again.
Tonight we had salad, fruit, cheese and wine for dinner here in the apartment, and now, at 9:30 p.m., we are bring treated to a brilliant lightning show, with thunder accompaniment.
In the morning, we shall decide what to do on our last day here. Whatever we decide to do, we know it will be fun.
I shall probably not post again for a few days. Thursday will be busy getting everyone to trains or planes, to leave our tour. I will leave by myself, and go to Verona. I have a ticket for the opera in the Arena for Friday night, so I will keep my fingers crossed for no rain that night.
Traveling is such a good learning experience. I learn something new each time I visit here, even if it is a place I have been many times before. I still love being a temporary Italian, and pleased that I have been able to converse better in Italian this trip.
More adventures to come. Stay tuned!
Ciao for now,
The post Dolly Travels – Venice appeared first on Purple Roofs Gay Travel Blog.